July 11, 2005

Thulp it all I say!

The ever excellent Double-Tongued Word Wrester examines thulp, a slang word that must be part of every IIT-M guy's vocabulary. I've heard it used most often to describe the act of consuming vast quantities of food: for some reason I always associate it with eating thair sadam with the hands. Need I add that this usage is almost exclusively South Indian?
Thalpu : Eat rather, Gobble. eg. 'Thalp it all I say !' is famous when you go to free Luncheon in a star hotel. (Colloquial Kannada)


Anonymous said...

I also recall it being used to denote the action of beating someone up (at least in boarding school slang in north india)

Rajesh Devraj said...

Umm.. then I'll take back that remark about South Indian English

Rajesh Devraj said...

Corrected that last line

Anonymous said...

Love the blog. You gotta do a series on "stoner-slang" from our institutions of, er, higher learning. The word "thulp" reminded me of the slang "thol" (probably tamil; as in "he was full thol after the first joint")


Rajesh Devraj said...

>You gotta do a series on "stoner-slang""

Sure.. any suggestions??

Heh Heh said...

"thulp" as far as i know, also used to connote the act of beating someone (either physically or in a game) "We go thulped in Basky, macchan"

Unknown said...

Thulp is used, at least within the institutions of higher learning, to signify beating to a pulp. However, some do use to to indicate eating a lot.

Incidentally, the right word for ravenous eating within the pillars of the same learned halls is Kult.