Hello. It is very refreshing to see yet another die hard desi displaying the bright colors of our beloved nation, and its peculiarly original asset in the modern era, English.
I can see that the hope that Nehru (and countless others) had invested on the future generations is bearing fruit, and we are indeed making a tryst with destiny.
I was reading Miranda Seymour’s NYRB review (November 23, 2023 issue;
archived) of Antonia Fraser’s new biography of Lady Caroline Lamb (which
makes for ve...
Francesco Perono Cacciafoco, an associate professor of linguistics at Xi'an
Jiaotong-Liverpool University, called my attention to this article he wrote
हि न्दी में इन दिनों ये दो नए मुहावरे भी चल पड़े हैं। अगर अभी आप तक नहीं
पहुँचे हैं तो जल्दी ही पहुँच जाएँगे। चीज़ों को संवारने, तरतीब देने,
नियमानुसार क...
Your blog remains a vital resource! Thanks!
Hello. It is very refreshing to see yet another die hard desi displaying the bright colors of our beloved nation, and its peculiarly original asset in the modern era, English.
I can see that the hope that Nehru (and countless others) had invested on the future generations is bearing fruit, and we are indeed making a tryst with destiny.
Keep up the good work.
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